Time for merchandise!

It’s about time we add a new category to our official Dream Map store: merch!

As a start we’re planning to launch a Dream Map band t-shirt, with our beloved ‘The Other Side’ album cover on the front.

To inventory the interest amongst our fans and to keep everyone up to date about when the t-shirt is available for purchase in our webshop, we are asking you to subscribe below!

Why? Knowing how many people would love to own our very first piece of merch, allows us to make an indication of the number of t-shirts we’re ought to manufacture.

What to expect

Your subscription is mainly meant as inventory for us. After subscribing below you will receive a confirmation email, providing you with a link to complete the subscription. As soon as the t-shirts are stocked and ready we’ll reach out to you again by email with a link to the Dream Map store.

( Make sure to check your spam folder for the confirmation email and don’t forget to complete the subscription through the link! )

NOTE: Please know that as of now we cannot provide you with an indication of when to expect the band t-shirt online, all we can ask of you is to stay tuned for an email update and to (of course) enjoy our music through online streaming platforms in the meantime! If you have any specific questions regarding this topic, please contact us through [email protected] . 

Thank you!

–       Dream Map


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